Satisfaction And Joy Celebrated In Knowledge Transfer By UPM’s UCTC For Community Development. | Universiti Putra Malaysia
» ARTICLE » Satisfaction and joy celebrated in knowledge transfer by UPM’s UCTC for community development.

Satisfaction and joy celebrated in knowledge transfer by UPM’s UCTC for community development.

Article Summary
“Feel very happy and cannot describe the joy.”

By: Nurul Ezzaty Mohd Azhari
Photo: Noor Azreen Awang

SERDANG, February 13 – “Feel very happy and cannot describe the joy.”

That was the expression of the Deputy Director (Community Development), University Community Transformation Centre (UCTC), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Nizam Osman, along with his team, whenever they complete a project with the community.

Implementing development and knowledge transfer to communities in rural areas, especially in Sabah and Sarawak, is not an easy task as it requires sufficient commitment of energy, time and equipment.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Nizam said when carrying out hydroponic farming projects, the necessary equipment will be flown to Sabah and Sarawak.

However, this challenge turned into something of high value when the results of knowledge development brought benefits to the local community.

"For example, last year, UPM’s UCTC helped the Bajau Laut community on Pulau Omadal, Semporna, Sabah, with farming activities, even though their lives were entirely on the water.

The Bajau Laut community was very excited and grateful because the results of the knowledge transfer of hydroponic vegetable cultivation indirectly helped them obtain a source of fresh vegetables," he said.

He, who is also a lecturer in the Department of Communication, Faculty of Modern Languages and Communications (FBMK), UPM, said previously the Bajau Laut community had to take a boat to Semporna to obtain food supplies, especially vegetables.

"Through the UPM’s UCTC service, they are very grateful because half of the crops can be eaten, and the other half can be sold to generate income.

They no longer have to worry about the cost of the boat, boat fuel, time, and cost of buying vegetables because they can just harvest them at the side of their house," he added.

In general, UPM’s UCTC is an entity that provides UPM’s expertise in various fields such as community development, agricultural development, entrepreneurial development and professional advancement to meet the needs of the country's human capital.

Through UPM’s UCTC, the gap and border between UPM and the local community can also be bridged to bring the campus community closer to the local community.

Starting in 1974 with the Centre for Development and Continuing Education (PPPL), it took its first step in helping society regardless of status in knowledge transfer activities and various services to the community, including training or courses in addition to agriculture.

For instance, UPM’s UCTC also shares knowledge with prisoners in Malaysian prisons to provide guidance and skills prisoners can use when they are released later.

"In addition to the agricultural module, we also provide entrepreneurship education to prisoners, and for an upcoming project at Sungai Udang Melaka prison, we will provide training to produce rempeyek (rice cracker).

"For every project that we carry out at the request of the external community, we will involve other Centres of Responsibilities (PTJ) based on their respective expertise. For example, in the Melaka prison, we collaborate with the Faculty of Food Science and Technology, considering their expertise to ensure long-lasting food, packaging methods, and so on," he said.

He added that every project carried out by UPM’s UCTC is not just a one-time visit, and they are responsible for monitoring from the beginning of the project until the harvest and marketing. - UPM

Date of Input: 14/02/2023 | Updated: 17/02/2023 | hairul_nizam


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