10th Malaysia International Conference On Languages, Literatures And Cultures (MICOLLAC 2018) | Universiti Putra Malaysia

Event Title
10th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures (MICOLLAC 2018)
14 Aug 2018 - 16 Aug 2018
08.00 - 06.00
Hatten Hotel, Melaka
Event Summary
The aim of MICOLLAC 2018 is to offer a platform for local and international academics, educators, planners and teaching professionals to meet, discuss and share latest research and fundamental advances in the field of language, literature and culture. It also aims to encourage engagement between those practicing in a wide variety of scientific areas to collaborate towards improving language and literature related applications. Attendees will have excellent opportunities to meet colleagues from Malaysia and other parts of the world. MICOLLAC 2018 invites academics to share their views and research, and welcomes paper submissions on the research theme, "Engaging Diversity, Charting Trajectories"

Updated:: 02/08/2018 [hairul_nizam]

Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 1000