International Affiliations | Universiti Putra Malaysia
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International Affiliations

UPM drives its direction towards becoming a global leading university with internationally accepted academic standards and global recognitions through strategic collaborations with many global partners and active participation in global networks and international associations.

By participating in international association, UPM offers enriching global education and research programmes. Our academic faculties, research institutes and centers are well-connected with other globally-oriented members of the associations which collaborates in various educational and research activities. In addition, our students and staff have the opportunity to gain valuable cross-cultural experience and develop a strong appreciation of global issues and intercultural communications.

UPM is the member of many international associations around the world as listed below:

Federation of the Universities of the Islamic World (FUIW)

Commonwealth Association for Public Administration and Management (CAPAM)

University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP)
Seameo Regional Center For Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
Asian Association of Agricultural Colleges and Universities (AAACU)
The Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL)
The Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP)
Asia-Pacific Association Of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI)
ASEAN University Network (AUN) 

Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
Asean-European University Network (ASEA UNINET)
International Association of Universities (IAU)
International Council Of Museums (ICOM)
Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) 

Updated:: 22/06/2021 [hairul_nizam]


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 1000