Telecommunication Network System | Universiti Putra Malaysia
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Telecommunication Network System

The UPM Telecommunication Network System known as PutraComm fully utilizes Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology with the support of the existing UPMNet infrastructure.

The VoIP system combines and facilitates the use of the latest communication technology hardware which is real-time communication such as telephony, video conferencing, instant messaging with non-real-time communication applications such as e-mail, voice-mail, SMS, Fax-to-Email and is able to implement various online applications VoIP phones (e.g: through Extensible Markup Language (XML) technology).

The VoIP phone system utilizes and maximizes the use of the UPMNet Network Infrastructure (optical cables, wifi and network-switches) that are already available throughout the UPM campus.

In addition, the PutraComm application system based on Android and Apple (iOS) was also introduced which provides convenience to smartphone users. This system gives a big impact because of the advantages of mobility and ease of use as well as cost savings.

For further information please contact:
Unified Communication Section
InfoComm Development Centre

Updated:: 26/06/2023 [zuraya]


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 1000