Area Rode Condition | Universiti Putra Malaysia
» SERVICES » Safety » Area Rode Condition

Area Rode Condition

Safety of the community in UPM is of utmost importance to the university. Steps have been taken to ensure that various safety measures are in place to ensure the safety and well-being of the university community. The campus area is regularly patrolled by security personnel to provide security round the clock and ensure zero-level crime.

Such safety measures include the provision of an adequate number and spacious  parking lots for staff members, students as well as students throughout the campus.

The designated parking areas listed below are especially for staff, students and also visitors. They are:

  1. Central Car Parks
  2. Putra Lecture Hall Cark Park
  3. Dewan Kuliah Pusat (DKP) Car Park
  4. Mohamad Rashid College Car Park

Updated:: 13/06/2017 [hairul_nizam]


Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+603-9769 1000